Tuesday, March 20, 2007

when you wish you had your camera...

I get so bothered by those times I wish I had my camera on me, but don't! Aaaaaaah. Take yesterdat morning - I'm driving to work and move towards the pedestrian bridge on 16th Ave and 19th Street NE I look up and see a rather larger banner hanging down and facing traffic. "Nana Ebu is a motherf#*king cheating prick" and then a whole bunch of smaller writing, likely outlining the details of his indiscretions.

Makes ya wonder, eh? This Nana Ebu must be a real prize, as must the woman he scorned. Such drama. On one hand I really wanted to take a photo, simply because I couldn't believe someone had made this HUGE banner and actually gone out and hung it for all to see. I was just dying to show my flickr peeps. But on the other hand, I'd hate to spread that around the internets when I don't know these people or the story behind it. So I'll just blog it instead! It made me chuckle though. I wonder how many phonecalls Nana got about it?

Friday, March 09, 2007

Insanity on skates

A co-worker's son participated last week in Red Bull's Crashed Ice challenge. I had never heard of such a thing until Pete mentioned going to watch Des in Montreal.

Check this out, it' crazy!

Now, I think it's pretty cool that Des did this but woah... how scary does that look? Uneven ice, jumps, huge inclines! It's a good thing they're wearing helmets and I'm sure they got all the Red Bull they could handle to keep 'em going (I actually heard they were all super hungover from the night before...).

(And yes, my apologies for the awful colour of my blog at the moment... I'm working on it)

Monday, March 05, 2007

I simply must start

decorating the cake
Originally uploaded by
stacy d.

Okay, I've had every intention of getting this blog going... honest. I've likely been waiting for something really profound to hit me, something I simply 'must' blog for the world to read. It's clear that's not going to happen.

So here I am, 2007 Q1 making my first blog post.

What's it about?


Anyone who knows me well, knows of my love for bacon. Although lately, I've been trying to cut back on indulging my cravings for bacon and (where possible) trying to stick to reasonable bacon portions. Yeah, the days of frying and eating a lb of bacon are over (well.... maybe).

I also have a strong love for all things flickr and discovered just this morning the perfect group to bring my passions together...

Bacon! All bacon, all the time

So yeah, I totally have to get taking some bacon photos of my own to add to the pool.